Best Cigar Ashtray

Best Cigar Ashtray

Best Cigar Ashtray: It’s imperative when searching for the best cigar ashtray to consider various factors such as size, material, design, and price range. An optimal ashtray should effortlessly accommodate your preferred cigars, be it glass, ceramic, or metal, for both durability and aesthetic appeal. The design of the ashtray should mirror your personal style, whether it leans towards sophistication or whimsy, while investing in a slightly higher budget can provide added features that enhance your smoking experience. A top-notch cigar ashtray not only serves as a designated space for ashes but also plays a crucial role in preserving the condition of your cigars, ultimately enriching your smoking ritual.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Size Matters: Choose a cigar ashtray that can comfortably accommodate the cigars you typically smoke.
  • Material Selection: Consider durability and aesthetics when selecting between glass, ceramic, or metal for your ashtray.
  • Design Personality: Opt for a design that reflects your style, whether it’s elegant or quirky, to enhance your smoking experience.
  • Invest Wisely: Be willing to invest in a higher budget for added features that contribute to maintaining the condition of your cigars and elevate your smoking ritual.
  • Enhance Your Ritual: A good quality cigar ashtray not only provides a designated space for ashes but also contributes to the overall experience, making it an important accessory for any cigar aficionado.

What Is a Cigar Ashtray?

Definition and Purpose

With the growing popularity of cigar smoking, a cigar ashtray has become an crucial accessory for any cigar aficionado. A cigar ashtray is a specialized receptacle designed to hold and collect the ash from cigars during smoking sessions. It provides a designated space for ashes, helping to maintain the cleanliness and aesthetics of your smoking area.

The Role of Ashtrays in Enjoying Cigars

Enjoying cigars goes beyond just the smoking experience; it encompasses the entire ritual of relaxation and luxury. A high-quality cigar ashtray plays a crucial role in enhancing this experience by providing a stable and safe resting place for your cigar between puffs. Understanding the significance of a well-designed ashtray can elevate your smoking ritual and contribute to creating a luxurious atmosphere.

Ashtray Etiquette for Cigar Smokers

Definition: Good ashtray etiquette is a hallmark of a seasoned cigar smoker, reflecting respect for the ritual and the environment. It is crucial to handle your cigar ash with care, ensuring it lands in the ashtray and not on the floor or table. Proper ash disposal not only maintains cleanliness but also showcases your appreciation for the art of cigar smoking.

Why Do You Need a Cigar Ashtray?

Convenience and Functionality

Convenience is key when it comes to enjoying your cigar smoking ritual. A good quality cigar ashtray provides a designated space for ashes, making it easy to keep your smoking area clean and tidy. Functionality is also crucial – a well-designed ashtray can comfortably accommodate the cigars you typically smoke, allowing you to rest them securely without worrying about them rolling off or getting damaged.

Aesthetic Appeal

On top of convenience, the aesthetic appeal of a cigar ashtray can elevate your smoking experience. It’s not just about functionality, but also about adding a touch of style to your cigar lounge or smoking area. Choose an ashtray design that reflects your personal taste, whether it’s elegant and classic or quirky and unique.

To complement your cigar smoking experience, opt for an ashtray that not only serves its purpose but also adds a decorative element to your surroundings. A visually appealing ashtray can enhance the ambiance of your cigar lounge and serve as a conversation piece for fellow cigar aficionados.

Preservation of Cigar Quality

To preserve the quality of your cigars, a dedicated cigar ashtray is vital. A high-quality ashtray can help maintain the condition of your cigars by providing a safe and stable place to rest them while you enjoy your smoke. A proper ashtray prevents your cigars from coming into contact with dirt or damage, ensuring they burn evenly and retain their flavor profile.

The right ashtray can also prevent ashes from accidentally falling onto your cigars, keeping them free from contaminants that could affect their taste and overall smoking experience. By investing in a quality cigar ashtray, you are not only preserving the integrity of your cigars but also enhancing your overall enjoyment of smoking.

Protection of Surrounding Environment

The protection of your surrounding environment is another crucial reason to use a cigar ashtray. Proper disposal of cigar ashes in a designated ashtray prevents them from causing a mess or damage to your furniture, flooring, or outdoor space. By containing ashes in a dedicated receptacle, you can maintain a clean and tidy smoking area, ensuring the longevity and cleanliness of your surroundings.

Additionally, using a cigar ashtray with built-in features like windproof design can further protect your environment from the scattered ashes, especially when smoking outdoors. By being mindful of the impact of ash disposal, you contribute to creating a pleasant and respectful environment for yourself and others.

Enhancing the Smoking Experience

With a quality cigar ashtray, you can enhance your smoking experience in various ways. Not only does it provide a practical solution for ash disposal, but it also adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to your smoking ritual. Investing in a high-end ashtray with added features like a cigar rest, cutter rest, or ash scraper can elevate your smoking session and make it more enjoyable and convenient.

Preservation of cigar quality and the overall smoking environment, along with the aesthetic appeal and functionality of a well-chosen ashtray, all contribute to enhancing the overall smoking experience. By choosing the right cigar ashtray that meets your needs and preferences, you can truly elevate your cigar smoking ritual to a new level of enjoyment and sophistication.

What Are the Different Types of Cigar Ashtrays?

All cigar aficionados should consider the various types of ashtrays available when selecting the best one for their smoking needs. This decision is crucial for enhancing the overall smoking experience and ensuring the longevity of their prized collection. Below is a breakdown of the different types of cigar ashtrays available on the market, each offering unique features and benefits.

Glass Ashtrays
Ceramic Ashtrays
Metal Ashtrays
Wooden Ashtrays

Glass Ashtrays

Any cigar enthusiast looking for an elegant and modern ashtray should consider glass ashtrays. These ashtrays are not only stylish but also durable, making them a perfect choice for both indoor and outdoor smoking environments. The transparency of glass allows for easy cleaning and maintenance, ensuring that your ashtray always looks its best. Plus, the sleek design of glass ashtrays adds a touch of sophistication to any cigar lounge.

Ceramic Ashtrays

Ceramic ashtrays are another popular choice among cigar aficionados due to their durability and versatility. Ceramic ashtrays come in a wide range of designs and colors, making them a versatile option for any smoking area. These ashtrays are also known for their ability to retain heat, keeping your cigars burning evenly throughout your smoking session. For instance, ceramic ashtrays with intricate patterns or personalized designs can serve as a statement piece in your cigar room decor.

Metal Ashtrays

Ashtrays made of metal are a classic choice for cigar enthusiasts looking for a sleek and modern ashtray. Metal ashtrays are known for their durability and resistance to wear and tear, making them an ideal option for long-term use. Plus, metal ashtrays often come with added features such as built-in cigar rests or cigar cutters, enhancing the overall smoking experience. Plus, the timeless appeal of metal ashtrays adds a touch of luxury to any cigar room.

Size and CapacityMaterial and Durability

An important aspect to consider when selecting a cigar ashtray is its size and capacity. Make sure the ashtray can comfortably accommodate the cigars you typically smoke for a convenient smoking experience.

An ideal cigar ashtray should be made of high-quality material for durability. Whether you prefer glass, ceramic, or metal, ensure the material can withstand frequent use and provide long-lasting functionality.

Design and Aesthetics Functionality

In the matter of design and aesthetics, opt for an ashtray that reflects your personal style. Whether you prefer an elegant or quirky design, choose one that complements your smoking ritual and enhances your cigar experience.

In addition to design, it’s important to consider the functionality of the cigar ashtray. Look for features such as cigar rests, cutter rests, or built-in cigar holders that can add convenience and practicality to your smoking routine.


When identifying a cigar ashtray, be willing to invest in a higher budget for added features that enhance your smoking experience. Features such as built-in lighters, ash scrappers, or personalized engravings can elevate your smoking ritual and make for a luxurious experience.

How to Clean and Maintain Your Cigar Ashtray

Cleaning Glass Ashtrays

With glass ashtrays, it’s important to handle them with care while cleaning to avoid any breakage. Start by removing any cigar remnants and debris from the ashtray. Then, using a gentle cleanser and warm water, carefully wash the glass surface, taking care to avoid scratching. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely to prevent water spots.

Caring for Ceramic Ashtrays

Caring for ceramic ashtrays involves regularly wiping down the surface with a damp cloth to keep it free of ash residue. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that could damage the finish. For tougher stains, a mild soap and water solution should do the trick. Additionally, consider using a ceramic-safe polish to maintain the luster of your ashtray over time.

Keep in mind that ceramic ashtrays can be more fragile than other materials, so handle them delicately to prevent any chips or cracks.

Maintenance of Metal Ashtrays

Ashtrays made of metal are durable and relatively easy to clean. Regular maintenance involves wiping down the surface with a damp cloth to remove ash buildup and residue. To prevent tarnishing, consider using a metal polish specifically designed for the type of metal used in your ashtray. This will help maintain its shine and prolong its lifespan.

Metal ashtrays are known for their longevity, making them a solid investment for long-term use in your cigar smoking ritual.

Preserving Wooden Ashtrays

Your wooden ashtray requires gentle care to preserve its natural beauty. Avoid exposing it to excessive moisture or direct sunlight, as this can cause warping or discoloration. Regularly dusting and occasionally applying a wood conditioner will help maintain the integrity of the wood.

This level of care will ensure that your wooden ashtray remains a classy and timeless addition to your smoking experience for years to come.

Tips for Regular Ashtray Maintenance

Cigar aficionados know the importance of maintaining their ashtrays to enhance their smoking experience. Here are some key tips for keeping your ashtray in top condition:

  • Empty and clean your ashtray regularly to prevent buildup.
  • Use designated cleaning products for each type of material.
  • After cleaning, thoroughly dry your ashtray to prevent damage.

Plus, consider investing in a high-quality ashtray with features like removable components or windproof design for added convenience and durability.

What Are the Best Cigar Ashtrays on the Market?

XIKAR Executive Ashtray

Despite the plethora of options available, the XIKAR Executive Ashtray stands out as a top choice for cigar aficionados. This premium ashtray is crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and a stylish addition to your cigar lounge or collection. With its spacious design, the XIKAR Executive Ashtray comfortably accommodates your favorite cigars, providing a designated space for ashes while maintaining the condition of your smokes.

Prestige Import Group – Triangular Maple Wood Cigar Ashtray

Ashtray seekers looking for elegance and functionality will appreciate the Prestige Import Group – Triangular Maple Wood Cigar Ashtray. This ashtray exudes a luxurious charm with its maple wood construction and triangular design, making it a sophisticated choice for any cigar enthusiast. The unique shape adds a touch of class to your smoking ritual, while the sturdy build ensures long-lasting use.

Best: The Prestige Import Group – Triangular Maple Wood Cigar Ashtray not only serves as a stylish accessory but also provides a practical solution for ash disposal and cigar rest. This ashtray is a must-have for those who value both aesthetics and functionality in their cigar accessories collection.

Stinky Cigar Ashtray

Executive in both design and function, the Stinky Cigar Ashtray offers a blend of sophistication and practicality. Crafted with a focus on enhancing your cigar smoking experience, this ashtray features a deep bowl to prevent ashes from scattering, along with a wide rest for your cigar. The Stinky Cigar Ashtray is a stylish addition to any cigar room or lounge, catering to the needs of cigar aficionados who appreciate attention to detail.

Executive: For those who seek a premium cigar ashtray that goes beyond basic functionality, the Stinky Cigar Ashtray is a standout choice. Its sleek design and thoughtful features make it a must-have for those who appreciate the finer things in their smoking experience.

Mantello Cigar Ashtray

Cigar enthusiasts searching for innovation and practicality will find the Mantello Cigar Ashtray to be a versatile option. With its modern design and durable construction, this ashtray combines style and function effortlessly. The Mantello Cigar Ashtray is designed to enhance your smoking ritual, providing a designated space for ash disposal and cigar rest, all while adding a touch of sophistication to your cigar room decor.

Innovation: The Mantello Cigar Ashtray stands out for its innovative design and attention to detail. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or just starting your cigar journey, this ashtray is a reliable and stylish choice for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience.

Visol Products VASH904 Donovan Ceramic Cigar Ashtray

Innovation meets elegance with the Visol Products VASH904 Donovan Ceramic Cigar Ashtray. This ashtray combines premium materials with a sleek finish, adding a touch of sophistication to your cigar smoking experience. The ceramic construction not only exudes luxury but also ensures durability, making this ashtray a long-lasting addition to your cigar accessories collection.

Innovation: The Visol Products VASH904 Donovan Ceramic Cigar Ashtray offers a unique blend of style and functionality, making it a top choice for cigar aficionados who value quality and design. Elevate your smoking ritual with this innovative ashtray that combines practicality with a touch of luxury.

Custom and Artisanal Cigar Ashtrays

Why Choose Custom Ashtrays?

To truly elevate your cigar smoking experience, consider opting for custom ashtrays. These unique pieces are often handcrafted with attention to detail and personalized to your preferences. Not only do they add a touch of individuality to your smoking ritual, but they also make for meaningful collector’s items or gifts for fellow cigar enthusiasts.

Finding Artisanal Cigar Ashtray Creators

Artisanal ashtray creators are dedicated craftsmen who specialize in creating one-of-a-kind pieces for discerning cigar aficionados. Artisanal creators often infuse their creativity and passion into each piece, resulting in bespoke ashtrays that are truly unique.

Commissioning a Custom Cigar Ashtray

Commissioning a custom cigar ashtray allows you to collaborate with a skilled artisan to bring your vision to life. You can choose the materials, design, and features that suit your preferences, creating a one-of-a-kind piece that reflects your personality and style.

The Value of Handcrafted Ashtrays

The value of handcrafted ashtrays extends beyond their functionality. These artistic pieces serve as conversation starters and statement additions to your cigar smoking setup. By investing in a handcrafted ashtray, you are not just acquiring a smoking accessory but also a work of art that enhances your overall smoking experience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using or Buying a Cigar Ashtray

Overlooking the Importance of Size

Cigar enthusiasts often make the mistake of overlooking the importance of size when choosing a cigar ashtray. It’s crucial to select an ashtray that can comfortably accommodate the size of the cigars you typically smoke. A too-small ashtray can lead to overflowing ash and a messy smoking experience. On the other hand, a too-large ashtray may take up unnecessary space and detract from the aesthetic of your smoking area.

Neglecting Material Considerations

When considering cigar ashtrays, neglecting material considerations can result in a subpar smoking experience. The material of the ashtray can affect not only its durability but also its aesthetics. Glass ashtrays offer elegance and visibility of your cigar’s ash, while metal ashtrays provide durability and a sleek look. Ceramic ashtrays strike a balance between style and sturdiness. Choose a material that suits your preferences and complements your smoking ritual.

Plus, some unique ashtray designs incorporate multiple materials to enhance both functionality and aesthetic appeal. For example, a cigar ashtray with a combination of glass and metal elements can add a touch of sophistication to your smoking area while ensuring durability and ease of cleaning.

Compromising on Quality for Price

One of the most common mistakes cigar enthusiasts make is compromising on quality for price when purchasing an ashtray. While it’s tempting to opt for a more affordable option, investing in a high-quality cigar ashtray can enhance your smoking experience and contribute to the longevity of your cigars. Premium ashtrays may feature additional functionalities like cigar rests, built-in cutters, or ash scrapers, which can elevate your smoking ritual and overall enjoyment.

This is especially important when considering the impact a low-quality ashtray can have on the condition of your cigars. A poorly constructed ashtray may not provide adequate ash disposal, potentially exposing your cigars to excess smoke and ash buildup. When choosing an ashtray, prioritize quality over price to ensure a seamless smoking experience.

Misjudging the Ashtray’s Capacity Needs

A common mistake that cigar aficionados make is misjudging the ashtray’s capacity needs. It’s crucial to consider how many cigars you typically smoke at once and choose an ashtray that can comfortably accommodate that number. An ashtray with insufficient capacity may lead to frequent emptying, disrupting the flow of your smoking session. On the other hand, an oversized ashtray can take up unnecessary space and detract from the overall aesthetic of your smoking area. Assess your smoking habits to determine the ideal capacity for your ashtray.

Enhancing Your Cigar Smoking Experience with the Perfect Ashtray

After considering factors like size, material, design, and price range for your ideal cigar ashtray, it’s time to take your smoking experience to the next level by pairing it with necessary cigar accessories.

Pairing Ashtrays with Cigar Accessories

Accessories such as a quality cigar cutter, a reliable lighter, and a handy cigar rest can complement your premium ashtray and enhance the overall enjoyment of your smoking ritual. Investing in high-quality accessories not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of your smoking set-up but also ensures a smooth and convenient experience for every cigar aficionado.

Setting the Ambiance for a Cigar Session

One key aspect of the cigar smoking experience is setting the right ambiance for your session. Consider incorporating elements like soft lighting, comfortable seating, and soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere that complements your stylish ashtray. This attention to detail can truly enhance your cigar smoking experience and make it even more luxurious and enjoyable.

Hosting Events with the Right Ashtray Set-Up

Hosting a cigar event or gathering requires the right ashtray set-up to cater to your guests’ needs. Ensure you have enough ashtrays strategically placed around the space, along with other necessary accessories like cigar cutters and lighters. This thoughtful preparation not only adds to the overall aesthetic of your event but also showcases your attention to detail as a gracious host.

Personalizing Your Ashtray for Added Significance

Perfect for adding a personal touch, customizing your ashtray with initials, a family crest, or a favorite quote can make it even more special and significant to you. This personalized touch enhances the sentimental value of your ashtray and elevates it from a functional item to a cherished piece in your cigar smoking collection.

Final Words

Hence, when it comes to selecting the best cigar ashtray, it is crucial to carefully consider various factors such as size, material, design, and price range. By choosing an ashtray that suits your needs and preferences, you not only enhance your smoking experience but also add a touch of sophistication to your cigar ritual. Remember that a good quality cigar ashtray not only serves a functional purpose but also contributes to the overall aesthetic of your cigar room or lounge.

Ultimately, investing in a premium ashtray made of high-quality material with an elegant design is a decision that reflects your commitment to the cigar smoking culture. So, choose wisely, and let your cigar ashtray be a statement piece that complements your love for cigars and luxury smoking. Elevate your cigar smoking ritual with a stylish and durable ashtray that not only shows off your cigars but also adds to the ambiance of your smoking space.


Q: What factors should I consider when choosing the best cigar ashtray?

A: When opting for the best cigar ashtray, factors such as size, material, design, and price range are necessary considerations. Ensure the ashtray can comfortably accommodate the cigars you typically smoke, choose a durable and aesthetically pleasing material like glass, ceramic, or metal, opt for a design that reflects your style, and be willing to invest in a higher budget for added features that enhance your smoking experience.

Q: How does a good quality cigar ashtray enhance the smoking experience?

A: A high-quality cigar ashtray not only provides a designated space for ashes but also contributes to maintaining the condition of your cigars. It elevates your smoking ritual by offering a stylish and functional accessory that adds to the overall enjoyment of the smoking experience.

Q: Why is the design of a cigar ashtray important?

A: The design of a cigar ashtray is important as it can reflect your personal style and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your smoking space. Whether you prefer an elegant or quirky design, choosing an ashtray that matches your preferences can elevate your overall smoking experience.

Q: What materials are commonly used for premium cigar ashtrays?

A: Premium cigar ashtrays are often made from high-quality materials such as glass, ceramic, or metal. These materials not only offer durability but also add a touch of luxury to your smoking experience.

Q: Are there customizable options available for cigar ashtrays?

A: Yes, some cigar ashtray manufacturers offer customizable options, allowing you to personalize your ashtray with features such as built-in cutters, match holders, or even your favorite cigar brand logo. Customizable ashtrays can make for a unique and thoughtful gift for any cigar aficionado.

Q: Can a cigar ashtray be used for both indoor and outdoor smoking?

A: Yes, there are cigar ashtrays designed specifically for outdoor use, with features like windproof design and non-slip bases to ensure stability in outdoor settings. These ashtrays are suitable for use in patio or outdoor smoking areas.

Q: How can a cigar ashtray contribute to cigar room decor?

A: A stylish cigar ashtray can serve as a decorative element in your cigar room, adding to the overall ambiance and enhancing the aesthetics of the space. Choosing an ashtray that complements your cigar room decor can elevate the overall look and feel of the room.

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Author: Scotty Govoni

Scotty Govoni, a seasoned expert with over 25 years in the e-commerce industry, is the founder and CEO of, a dedicated platform for unbiased product comparisons. Recognizing a need for reliable and comprehensive product insights, Scotty leverages his expertise in online marketing, data analysis, and user experience to deliver thorough research, in-depth reviews, and trustworthy recommendations. Committed to excellence, Scotty's goal is to provide unmatched service and value, establishing as a globally recognized, authoritative source for product comparison information.